Exchange Students

Dear Exchange Student,

Welcome to Budapest Business University!
The aim of this page is to provide you with detailed information regarding your semester abroad.

Timeline & steps

1. Nomination

Our Partner universities send the information about the chosen students.

2. Application

Exchange students have to do the application process on our online platform.

3. Letter of Acceptance

If all the documents are correctly submitted, exchange students will receive their letter of acceptance.

4. Learning Agreement

The document needs to be signed by the student, the sending and the receiving institution and must contain the courses chosen by the student. We also accept Online Learning Agreements.

5. Start of the semester

The Fall semester starts in September, the Spring semester starts in February. Students also have an Orientation day at the beginning of the semester. They will be notified by their faculty about the date of the event.

Erasmus scholarship holder students first need to contact their home university. They will do the nomination.

  • Nomination deadline Fall semester: May 1st
  • Nomination deadline Spring semester: October 1st
  • Application Deadline Fall Semester: 31st May
  • Application Deadline Spring Semester: 31st October

After their nomination has been accepted by BBU incoming students need to register on our online platform. After that incoming students have to fill the application for the faculty they have been nominated for.

Once you finalised the application process, do not forget to click on the submit button.

Please keep in mind that incoming students can only choose courses from the faculty they have been nominated to.

You will need to provide us with the following documents:

  • Learning Agreement: First you need to fill the Learning Agreement and check the details with your home university. Once it is signed by you and your home university, please send it to and the responsible person at BBU will sign it as well. You can find the list available for exchange students below. We also accept Online Learning Agreements.
  • European Health Insurance Card or a private insurance card/certificate that is valid for the duration of the exchange program.
  • Valid identification document

Incoming students will receive more information about the course registration at the beginning of the semester.

During your studies your Faculty’s Student Services Office will be helping you with study-related issues.

  • Questions related to registration and semester log-ins,
  • Information on legal and institutional rules affecting student status,
  • Issuance of certificates related to student legal relations, certificates related to public administration bodies, and other certificates,
  • Issues related to admission, course admission and examination,
  • Advising on study matters, advancing studies,
  • Issuance of student ID cards, validation stickers and administration of temporary student ID cards,
  • Assistance in solving technical and other problems related to the Neptun, Modulo, Coospace, and Moodle study systems
  • Student status verification, Transcript of records
  • Certificate of Study period, Certificate of Arrival



Contact info:

  • Questions regarding application process
  • Learning Agreement/ OLA,
  • General non-study related questions

You can find more information about how to find accommodation in this link.