Mental health

BBU provides an opportunity for students to seek mental health counselling if they have a personal problem, have learning difficulties, or if their mental health requires it. The counselling is free of charge.

Everybody experiences difficult times in their lives, and students are no exception. Students may want someone to listen to them, help them orient themselves into their new life, or to just be with them when they are enduring pain and fear. Usually, we turn to people we know, but often, everyone can benefit from receiving an external perspective, given by an outsider. Fortunately, in today’s world, it is becoming increasingly accepted to go to an impartial professional, to discuss our difficulties with them, and then work together to find a solution to the challenges.

Mental health/psychological counselling may be needed if you are experiencing any kind of blockage, crisis or difficulty in your personal life, studies or work. Problems with family, relationships, time management, employment, career planning, learning – in short: life management problems.

Free of charge

Free of charge


If you would like to talk through your difficulties with someone and find a solution to your problem, contact our counsellors by e-mail. When applying, send your Neptun ID to the counsellor, and describe in a few sentences what kind of problem or difficulty you would like to consult, so it will be easier to prepare for your first meeting.

All the four psychologists below speak fluent English and work with international students. You can apply to any advisor regardless of the training faculty, but we recommend that do not apply to an advisor who teaches you!

Dr. Barbara KESZEI

BBU FCHT or online

Who can apply?
Mainly for students of FIMB and FFA


BBU FFA or online

Who can apply?
Students from all faculties

Dr. Orsolya THUMA

BBU FCHT or online

Who can apply?
Mainly for students of FIMB and FFA

Ferenc VÉGH

BBU FCHT or online

Who can apply?
Students from all faculties

Student Support Office

In case of non-emergency, you can also contact BBU’s Student Support Office at

In case of emergency

If you have thoughts of self-harm or suicide, are beginning to lose your sense of reality, or have a known mental illness that requires treatment and medication adjustment, visit the psychiatric care center in your district.

In case of crisis, visit or call the Adult Emergency Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic of Semmelweis University. Visit the contact page of their website HERE or HERE.
Address: 1083 Budapest, Balassa Street 6.
Phone: +36-1-2100-330 extension number: 51243